A Kenyan woman is currently admitted to a hospital in Chemnitz fighting for her life after an attack in her home where her husband was killed.
Tuesday night at around 10:40pm, the body of 58 year old German, Eckhard A. and his seriously injured 38 year old Kenyan wife, Armina A., were found in their home at the Mittweidaer Straße in Ebersdorf.
Eckhard’s body was badly damaged with his throat having been cut using a machete. Armina though seriously injured survived having both her achilles tendons cut off.
The father to Armina’s two children has been mentioned as the main suspect in the having been seen walking around freely a few days after the incident. Although Eckhardt and Armina lived together, the couple had filed for divorce and were separated.
It was earlier reported that the father of Armina’s two children was the main suspect, a stance that changed on Friday when reporters were able to talk to Armina.
In the Friday interview, Armina told reporters that although she couldn’t remember the exact details on what happened, she can only remember a group of three men coming into their home.
“I’m afraid. Everything happened so fast. My memory is returning slowly, but I can only recall three men.”
“It can’t be motivated by jealousy, must be something else”, Armina said from her hospital bed on the motive behind the attack. On being asked whether her husband might have been involved in any form of illegal business that might have gone wary causing the attack, “I have no idea of any such business”, was all Armina had to say.
The mention of a machete and the cutting of the Achilles tendon in the story alludes to the attacker not being German. However, unlike many news report that try to explain the act of cutting of the Achilles tendon as a tradition from Africa, it originally came from the US, where it was used as punishment for slaves who escaped from their masters. How all this ties in with what happened on Tuesday is still a puzzle.
Armina’s one year old daughter is with her at the hospital, while the 6 year old is staying with friends. Luckily, the two children, were asleep and did not see what happened.
Although the police have declared the incident a homicide case, they refused to comment on who the perpetrator or the motive might have been for it.