Kenyan Graces the Naturalization (Einbürgerung) Event in Fulda

German Passport Einbügerung

This month saw another group of foreigners become German in Fulda and among the 53 who received their naturalization certificates was a Kenyan.

The Kenyan, now a German but still a Kenyan (hehehe, the dangers of having contradicting constitutions but I digress).

Ericah Pfeffer, who came to Germany as an au pair and lived in Berlin and Hamburg before moving to Fuldah was honoured to become German. “Germany is my new homeland, my family lives here and I love the city (Fulda)” .

The mother of two, is expecting her third child in July. She wants to become German because her husband and her children are all German. She also enjoys her life in Germany and doesn’t plan to return to Kenya.

Like all the others, she received her naturalization certificate from the Oberbürgermeister Gerhard Möller infront of family and friends at the Marmorsaal at the Stadtschloss.

If you’re planning to become German, you could also read:

Dual Citizenship, a disaster or blessing in disguise?

German Passport and how it affects your Pension and Taxes

Rules to become German for Children and Spouses of foreigners who become German


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