Seems the latest tread is for Kenyan and German Universities to partner up, a few weeks ago it was the Dedan Kimathi University of Applied Technology and the TH Wildau and now it’s the Taita Taveta University College (TTUC) and the Dresden University of Applied Sciences.
During a recent European tour the TTUC principal Prof. Hamadi Iddi Boga, passed by the HATW-Dresden where he met with the Pro-Vice Chancellor of Teaching and Study Prof. Dr. sc. oec. Horst Beidatsch to discuss a potential partnership between the two Universities. A Letter of Intent for bilateral cooperation was later signed at the meeting.
Taita Taveta University Colleges is one of university campuses in Kenya upgraded in 2007. The TTUC’s programs are guided by the vision and mission of JKUAT, the mother university. Its main focus is on technology and entrepreneurship/commerce.
Dresden University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden) was founded in 1992.Engineering, economics, design, and ‘green’ disciplines constitute the four pillars that more than 40 forward-looking diploma, bachelor’s, and master’s degree programmes in civil engineering/architecture, electrical engineering, information technology/mathematics, product design, mechanical and process engineering, and business administration are based upon. These degree programmes include a number of subjects that are unique to post-secondary education in Saxony such as agriculture, horticulture, landscape planning and development, environmental monitoring and analysis, geoinformatics and surveying, as well as geoinformatics and cartography.