Yet another Kenyan man has gone missing, this time in Berlin. Family requests for any information on his whereabouts. Police suspect he might be in danger.
Edward Odhiambo went missing ten days ago on Friday, 12th July. He was going to meet up with friends in Berlin but never made it. His phone was last reachable at midnight on Friday.
When he did not show up on Friday night, his friends assumed he had gone to visit his sister in Kiel but when he didn’t get in touch with his friends, they decided to inform his sister.
“None of his friends know where he is since that night, his room mate reported him missing because they all thought he was with me but nobody could find him on phone. It is unlike him to disappear without a word to anybody. This is not normal for him”, his sister reported.
According to the police in Berlin, Odhiambo was last seen on Saturday at the S-Bahnhof in Berlin-Lichtenberg, confirmed by CCTV footage shown to the sister by the police.
The police had been called in by a passerby who spotted Odhiambo on the platform bleeding. But when Odhiambo refused any sort of assistance from the police, they let me go.
“Someone called police and Rettungwagen (ambulance) on Saturday at 5:30pm when they saw my brother bleeding at the S-Bahnhof, the cops asked if he need (sp) medical assistance and he refused and because he didn’t commit any crime they let him walk. By then nobody knew that he was missing and he wasn’t himself. So since then nobody has seen him. That’s what the cops told me and it was on the CCTV footage”, the sister, Millie told Mkenya Ujerumani.
As of Sunday evening, 21st July, the case had been handed over to the Federal Criminal Police (KriPo) after further revealed Odhiambo in the company of a man well known to the police. There is suspicion that Odhiambo might have been drugged by the unidentified man and could be in danger.
“As of this evening the case is being handled by the KriPo and we’re hoping for good news. [The case has been escalated] Because the last man seen with him (Odhiambo) has had previous run ins with the police and is on their watch list,” Millie reported.
“The police say the club they had gone to is known for selling drugs and it appeared as if my bro might have been drugged when the police last saw him in Lichtenberg”.
He has been reported as missing to the police in Berlin and Kiel. Anyone with information on his whereabouts can get in touch with:
- His sister, Millie 015211450576
- The Police: 0431442343/19 (Kiel) or 03046640 (Berlin)