Happy New Year good people. 2017 is here, but some things never change so here are the new laws and regulations for January 2017 and others that come into effect later on in the year. Lots of great stuff for those with children.
Consumer Laws
New 50 Euro Bill
From April 2017, there will be a new 50 Euro bill released into the market.
More Expensive Driving Licence
Getting your driving licence in 2017 will be more expensive than it was earlier. The theoretical exam will now cost €11.90 while that offered online will now cost €10.60. Lastly, the practical test for Class B vehicles will cost €91.50.
Additional Bank-Holiday
In celebration of the year of Martin Luther (Das Lutherjahr), the whole country will this year have the day off on 31st October 2017. Usually on this day, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Thüringen celebrate Reformationstag, which commemorates the day when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Schlosskirche in Wittenberg. This year will be 500 years since the first Reformationstag.
Income and Taxes
Minimum Wage
The national minimum wage will this year increase from €8.50 to €8.84 per hour.
Increased Hartz IV Allowance
Those on welfare have some good news in the new year with the increase of the Hartz (IV) allowance. Singles will now receive 409 euros instead of 404 euros. Children aged between 6 and 13 years will receive 291 Euros. Children aged below 6 and those aged between 13 to 18 years will see no change as they continue to receive 237 Euros and 311 Euros respectively.
Grundfreibetrag (Tax-Free Income)
The amount you will be allowed to take home without paying taxes for has been increased this year. Only those earning more than 8820 Euro will be required to pay the Lohnsteuer, for couples the amount is 17,640 Euro.
For each child, parents are allowed to deduct the Kinderfreibetrag which will increase from 7248 Euros to 7356 Euros per year. The Kinderfreibetrag is the amount of your income exempt from taxes depending on how many children you have.
Child support
As from 1 January 2017, parents living separately from their children will be required to pay more in child support. This comes after the revision of the Düsseldorfer Tabelle.
The minimum monthly support for children aged below 6 years, increases from 335 to 342 Euros. Children from 7 to 12 years of age will henceforth receive 393 Euros per month instead of the current 384 Euros. From the age of 13 until they are 18, children will receive 460 Euros instead of 450. While adult “kids” will receive 460 Euros instead of 450 Euros.
READ: Child Support and the Laws Governing it in Germany
Kindergeld will be increasing by 2 euros per child. For the first two children, the amount will be €192; for the third child €198 while from the fourth child it will now be €223.
READ: Understanding Child Benefit (Kindergeld) and the Laws Governing it in Germany
Kindergeld for University Students over 18
Kinderzuschlag (Supplementary Child Allowance)
For parents with kids that require child allowance from the Goverment to supplement their income, in 2017, the amount received will increase by 10 euros. The new amount will be €170.
READ: Supplementary Child Allowance (Kinderzuschlag) in Germany
Non-Taxable Moving Costs
For those moving till end of January 2017, the non-taxable amount spent on moving is set at 746 euros for singles and 1493 euros for married couples. If moving from February, the amounts increase to 764 and 1528 Euros respectively. For every additional person living in the same household, the amount will increase from 329 to 337 Euros. For parents forced to pay for extra tuition for their children due to the move, the amount will increase from 1882 to 1926 Euros.