Well after the list of fines (read about New Traffic Laws and Fines for 2013), let me add a few other that might lighten up your mood.
§ The BFDers earning of approx €336 monthly will be tax free but excluding any extras they get like Weihnachtsgeld or others.
§ If you’re caring for family members either here or abroad, the cost has been fixed to €924 incase you need it declared in your tax calculations
§ Lohnsteuerkarte – moving from paper to digital. (Read about All you need to know about ELStAM)
§ For the drivers read about the changes to that sector here: New Traffic Laws and Fines 2013
§ Electricity prices will increase by at least 10% depending on your provider
§ Everyone will have to pay for GEZ, €17,98 but it has been reduced to a flat-rate per house and not per gadget as before. The number of households will be identified according to the registrations at the Einwhohneramt which will then be given to GEZ.
§ Minimum wage will be increased to €450 from the previous €400
§ Introduction of Unisex Tariff thus men and women will be paying the same amount for insurances.
§ Elterngeld will be reduced
§ Betreuunggeld will be introduced at €150
§ The €10 you pay every 3months at the clinic before seeing a doctor (Praxisgebühr) has been done away with.
§ Taking the train or bus without a ticket (Schwarzfahren) will now cost €60 after being €40 for soooo long.
§ Hartz IV has been increased to €390 from €382
§Sending a letter has increased from €0.55 to €0.58
§ In the Netherlands, foreigners will not be allowed to go to coffeeshops.
§ In Switzerland, foreigners will have to learn at least one of the official languages of their Kanton within their first few months in the country, if they refuse they risk loosing their visa