A German Entrepreneur, Winfried Stöcker, has come under fire for mincing his words and although he gave an interview to apologise, the damage had already been done.
In light of the recent activities concerning PEGIDA, a group of German well wishers in Görlitz organised a concert in solidarity with the Asylum seekers and foreigners. A small way to show that PEGIDA wasn’t representative of the whole German population.
However, on requesting for a venue from Herr Stöcker, they got a big shock, he said no. Moreover, Herr Stöcker went ahead to add that, him refusing to have the event held in his building was to show that he “does not want to support the misuse of the German asylum laws”.
He went on to add that, “I would send back every nigger that comes to us through the Red Sea, back home.” And although he employs many foreigners at his company, most of them Turks, he doesn’t seem to think very highly of them either, “And the many muslims, I would send them all home”, he added.
The Catholic and Evangelical Bishops in Görlitz criticised Stöcker’s comment as they presided the event that was instead held outside at the Christkindelmarkt.
You can watch the report from MDR here.