An Initiative for Diaspora and Migration Organisations in Germany

Engagement Global

Dear African Organisations,

As most of you know, Engagement Global Düsseldorf ran an intensive campaign to find out how Engagement Global can strengthen Diaspora and Migrant organisations working in and outside Germany.

Through the interviews we found out that Diaspora and Migrant organisations wish for the following:

  • Recognition of their activities e.g. through Certificates, Premiums and Publicity
  • Networking opportunities e.g. through Conferences, Networking events and Symposia
  • Continuous guidance and counseling e.g. through coaching, organizational consulting, campaign work
  • Reliable training and support structures (long-term and recurring training opportunities


Engagement Global Düsseldorf together with Eine Welt Netz NRW have come together and initiated the Kooperations Manager Global Initiative for the Diaspora and Migrant Organizations which will aim to fulfill all the above wishes.

When most Organisations are asked what leads to their succeess, the first thing that comes to mind for many is cooperation not only among the members of the organisation but also with other organisations and partners: thus the qualification initiative, Kooperations Manager Global, is all about experience and knowledge, skills and abilities in regards to cooperation. The topics to be discussed will include:Forum für Soziale Innovation GmbH

Profile development of the Association,

  • Basics of running an organisation (Verein),
  • membership development,
  • policy work / advocacy,
  • financial management,
  • project management,
  • networking and maintaining contact,
  • public relations and marketing

The qualification initiative will be coordinated and organised by the FSI (Forum für soziale Innovation).

You can take part in this initiative on:

Date: Friday, 12.12.2014,

Time: 5 -7 pm (17 – 19 Uhr)

Venue: Bürgerzentrum Alte Feuerwache e.V.
Melchiorstraße 3
50670 Köln


where the initiative will be introduced and the basics explained. Ideas on how this can be developed are also welcome.

The specific details on the address will be sent after registration.

The Qualification Initiative will be held in blocks.

Taking part in the program is free and the travelling costs will be paid for.

If you’d be interested in taking part, you can register by sending an email to:

Katja Feld

Träger der Fachstelle Migration und Entwicklung NRW

Opferfelder Str. 22

42719 Solingen

Tel.: 0212/2307989

Mobil: 01761/2307831

Fax: 0212/6428060


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