Munich is planning to make life easier for all the foreigners working in the area. From July this year, they plan to set up a new Office which aims to speed up the applications for foreigners, reduce the bureaucratic steps and reduce the amount of time people have to wait before their visas are processed.
“ The Idea is to make, Germany, Bayern and especially Munich attractive to foreigners but when a foreigner planning to move to Germany has to fill a million forms then wait for months before they receive an answer, then many will use the time to reconsider Germany as their destination. Most of the highly qualified professionals also have offers from Australia, the US and the UK. We’re all competing”, Franziska Döbrich from the Migration Office in Munich said.
Instead of the planned name “Zentrale Organisationseinheit für Fach- und Führungskräfte”, most probably the new office will be named „Welcome Center“. It will be aimed mainly at corporate organizations and highly qualified professionals.
Remember the idea behind the welcome centers was mainly to separate the “useful” from the “useless”….hehehe, You can read that article here: Germany Rolls out the Red Carpet for Useful Foreigners.