This must be the very first Kenyan movie that ever focused on super heroes. It has a creative twist and a lovely storyline. And it’s coming to Berlin.
The film creator, Jinna Mutune, will also be there for a Q&A session. You definitely don’t want to miss this chance. The event is organised by Each One Teach One (EOTO) e.V. in Berlin which is an organisation that promotes African culture through literature and art. They have the largest library of African literature in Germany 😉
Date: Friday 5th December 2014
Time: 19:00 – 21:15 Uhr (with Q&A session)
Venue: EOTO e.V., Müllerstraße 56-58, 13349 Berlin (U-Bahnhof Rehberge)
LEO is a charming and beguiling adult fairy-tale. It’s a story of a boy who thinks he is a superhero, fails to be a superhero and discovers that he is a hero in a different way. It’s a simple story of a child who is opened up to the possibilities of dreaming. The film depicts an insightful, positive view of life in Kenya as seen through the eyes of LEO, who wants to live out his dreams in his homeland. It is a story about a little Maasai boy, raised in a low-income home, achieving his dream against all odds.