A court process at the Landesgericht in Köln is involving the death of a 34 year old Kenyan woman from Dünnwald near Köln, is currently on going. With more witnesses taking the stand to testify, more skeletons are being unveiled. (Read: Kenyan Woman Stabbed to Death in Köln by Tanzanian (Ex)Boyfriend)
On the fateful night of 3rd November 2013, a Kenyan woman, Mwajuma B. was stabbed to death by her Tanzanian husband in the presence of her six children. Last week, the defendant testified in court and gave his account of his life with Mwajuma and what led to his act on that night. (Read: Court Process on Kenyan Murdered by Tanzanian Husband Begins)

Next on the witness stand was Mwajuma’s ex-husband and father to three of her children, Peter B.. Peter who during the last court session also confessed to being assaulted by Mwajuma during the marriage, brought a different aspect to the story with his testimony.
“Rajabu was a renowned wizard in Tanzania and people travelled far and wide to be treated by him.”, Peter B. told the court. “When I heard that my ex-wife had been killed and the manner in which that had happened, everything was clear to me. The whole incident had long been planned.”
The prosecutor was not buying the “witchcraft” story and maintains the suspect should be charged with homicide.
On Thursday when the worker from the children social services (Jugendamt) testified in court, the question was posed to him. “Have the children ever spoken of voodoo?”, to which the answer was no.
The court will have to look further into the accusation of domestic violence made against Mwajuma by Peter and Ramadhani.
PS: The names used for the victim and the suspect as well as their relationship differ depending on the source. On Mkenya we refer to them as Mwajuma B. and Ramadhani K. the identities given by friends close to the couple. However, they have also been identified in court and in newspaper reports as Moujomba/Mujumba B. and Rama/Rajabu K.. When the news broke, they were reported to be exes. During the court process they have been referred to as a married couple.