A Kenyan lady has passed away near Munich after a long period of sickness.
Beatrice Kadzo Jerouschek, who is originally from Kaloleni in Kilifi, passed away on 6th June in a hospital. She is survived by her 19 year old son, Tyson. Her husband, a German national passed away a while back, thus living their son an orphan.
The family in Kenya would like to have the body sent back home and have until Tuesday, the 16th to have raised the funds. With the son being the only one in Germany organising the logistics, friends and well-wishers are requested to help where they can. Those willing to contribute to the repartriation of the deceased, may do so to the following account:
Account Holder: Tyson Jerouschek
IBAN: DE37 7039 0000 0008 6516 98
BANK: VR-Bank Werdenfels eG
Verwendungszweck: Beatrice Kadzo Jerouschek