A Kenyan lady in Southern Germany is thanking her stars after she was involved in a grizzly road accident along the A8 between Wendlingen am Neckar and Kirchheim unter Teck in Kreis Esslingen near Stuttgart yesterday (Monday) morning.
The 28 year old Kenyan was caught in the morning traffic driving in the middle lane at 7:30am towards Munich. Suddenly without warning an unknown driver in a black car switched to the middle lane from the slow lane on the right. The Kenyan lady in her effort to avoid a collision swerved to the left. Unfortunately, her Peugeot skidded. The car came off the road, overturned and lay on its roof.
The Kenyan lady was able to walk out of the wreck but suffered numerous injuries. An ambulance was alerted and delivered her to the hospital.
The driver of the black car who caused the accident continued with his drive without looking back. The police are now out to find him. Anyone that may have been on the Autobahn at that hour and might have seen what happened is requested to contact the police:
Verkehrskommissariat Mühlhausen
Tel: 07335/96260
Wolfgang Jürgens,
Tel: 0731 188 1111,
E-Mail: ulm.pp.stab.oe@polizei.bwl.de
For any questions or clarifications:
Polizeipräsidium Ulm
Telefon: 0731 188-0