Juliana Oyieko, a headmistress of Elimu ya Kenya School primary school in Bombo Mombasa recently visited Thüringen. Her visit was sponsored by the Thüringen Ministy of Finance. She was hosted by Mr and Mrs Gabriele and Gerd Keßler. The Keßlers had visited Kenya seven years ago and learnt that education was the only way out of poverty.
Back in Altenberg, they started by sponsoring 2 children. Then they later came together with others who had the same idea of helping the children in Bombo access education.
The club called Education for Kenya was formed in Altenburg in 2005. This club assisted and coordinated in the construction of the school, which currently has 180 pupils. They managed to find sponsors in Germany and partners in Mombasa who would look into the issue of acquiring land to build the school. The biggest part of the funding for the construction of the school was fundend by BMZ (Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung).
There are currently 230 sponsors who donate between 90-180€ per year, which is used to run the school. For a condusive learning atmosphere at school, lunch is provided for the pupils everyday. These pupils also exchange letters with their sponsors in which some have shared that they are happy and grateful to their sponsors because this school is well equiped as compared to other public schools.
During this visit Ms. Oyieko also met the mayor of Thüringen Mr. Michael Wolf who gave her a tour of the Altenburger Castle. The mayor also taught her how to play, „skat“ (a card game). As farewell gifts she was given a book about the Altenburger Castle and „Skat“ game cards.
The aim of Ms Oyieko’s visit was to foster intercultural exchange through school visits and talking to the school teachers and pupils in Thüringen. She also undertook training in areas of IT and learnt about tasks and the activities of the club Education for Kenya.
Education for Kenya is the German version of the Elimu ya Kenya organisation in Kenya. They had hosted other friends from Kenya last time, you can read about them here (Elimu ya Keny and Education for Kenya meet in Altenburg)