WaMaitha Mwangi is this lady’s name, a beautiful and young lady with a HUGE heart for children. Born to a middle class family in Kenya, she grew up like most but her love for children started when she was still in high school. As a ranger, she made sure her fellow school mates took time to visit children’s homes and volunteer. She later moved to Australia for her Uni studies where she literally enjoyed life with a BIG spoon.
Through her trials being a party animal, she noticed that never filled the hole that continued to grow bigger in her heart. After her studies she moved to Kenya and after soul search, she eventually started a children’s home. Today at a mere 30 years of age, she runs a home and is a mother to 17 children. She’s the founder of Angel Center. You can find her on Facebook here.
Watch her interviews below as she shares her vision, passion and how she got to where she is.