How does Someone live in Kenya? Exactly the same way you do in Germany


An interesting conversation this would be, apparently the title is the answer that Wilfried gives to all tourists and other Germans who meet him in Kenya and ask him, “How does someone live in Kenya?” as if, Kenya is another planet and his standard answer to them is ” The same way you live in Germany”.

Wilfried Eckhardt born in 1951 in Taunus went to Kenya for the first time in 1978. On his first safari, whenever they saw animals, the tour guide pointed towards the animal and whispered, “Nyama”. That was well in the beginning but when he referred to everything from the antellopes, zebras, bufallos and even giraffes, all as nyama, Wilfried and his friends doubted the guide’s competencies to do his job.

That same year, Wilfried was bit by the Kenya bug and kept going back and during his many trips he eventually learnt what nyama meant.

In 2005, he finally decided to bite the bullet and moved to Kenya for good. A decision he doesn’t regret a single bit. He now lives near mombasa with his wife and child.

He’ll be contributing on the magical Kenya website on his experiences living in Kenya. You can check it out here: Magical Kenya DE

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