Some people have been asking when is Auma in town next……if you had asked, here is your chance to meet her.
Auma will be around this June, with her first event being raising funds for her Foundation, Sauti Kuu. Willing to help out, you can send your contributions to:
RAIKA Bezirk Güssing,
Konto 1914183,
BLZ 33027
The Fundraising will culminate in a Fundraising Gala on the
Date: 8th of June
Time: from 6pm
Venue: Larimar Hotel GmbH | Panoramaweg 2 | A-7551 Stegersbach
Guests at the hotel can also join in the gala, but aren’t invited to the dinner (at 7:30pm). Below is the program:
- 6pm Red Carpet and Szigeti-Sektempfang
- 6:15pm Opening speech by Johann Haberl & Videopresentation by Dr. Auma Obama
- musical presentation by the Soprano-singer Renate Pitscheider, Operntenor Dietmar Kerschbaum (Intendant „jOPERA“) and the children’s choir “Kinder aus dem Südburgenland singen für Kinder in Afrika und der ganzen Welt!”
- 7:30 pm Galadinner
- 9:30 pm Presentation of the Check to Dr. Auma Obama
- till Midnight Live Musik with the Varga Band