They have been having this exhibition in Cologne for the past month or so. It talks about the history of Black Germans (Afro-deutscher) and their struggle to be acknowledged and respected in the German society. They have a lot from Plays, to musicals to paintings and discussions.
The whole exhibition is very educative not only about history as well as the current state of things regarding Africans in Germany and Europe. It’s organized by the same group that fought against Racial profiling (read story here: Racial Profiling); the Initiative of Black Germans (Initiative Schwarze Deutsche) ISD-Bund.
This Saturday, tomorrow, there’ll be a play on “Heimat, Bittersüße Heimat” from 7pm in Köln, anyone interested to go see it? Would be great to see you guys there.
About the play:
Theateraufführung von Label Noir, Berlin.
Ein Theaterprogramm in fünf Kapiteln mit Musik.
They will be touring Nürnberg and Hamburg. They have been having this since 2006.
For more info check their site: Heimat, Bittersüße Heimat – Köln