The long awaited, Canadian point system has finally landed on Vaterland. Not the whole country just yet, but on a Bundesland in DE. The pilot project aims to attract skilled foreigners and subsequently solve the shortage for workers in Germany.
Baden Württemberg, will be the first Germany state to run the pilot project for the point based system for foreign professionals, the so called PUMA (“punktebasierte Modell für ausländische Fachkräfte”) inspired by the immigration systems in New Zealand and Canada. The system basically gives the foreigner points for valuable knowledge or qualities they bring to the country.
The main criteria will by the level of German competency while considering English or French skills. Also a recognised qualification and a job offer will be required for the rating. Professionals with at least 100 points will be issued with a work permit valid for 3 years. The work permit will only be valid, if the individual applies for the jobs suited to their qualification.
“Our future quality of life depends on how many people are working in Germany and contribute to our prosperity,” said Labour Minister Andrea Nahles.
“We must mobilise all our own potential, but we already know that this is insufficient and that we will need additional well-educated workers from abroad. Therefore we are testing a new method,” she added.
From this autumn, a certain number of qualified professionals from non-EU countries would be granted work permits for three years under the points-based system in Baden-Wurttemberg, with German language skills being a key criteria.
The system will apply to non-EU foreigners, the so-called third state citizens.
The system inspired by Canada, ignores an applicant’s race and country of origin and instead, rewards education, fluency in German, English or French and work experience.