The festive season is here and most people are looking forward to enjoy the time with family, the food and for others the Christmas allowance. Unfortunately not everyone is entitled to a Christmas allowance.
According to an online survey by Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituts (WSI) of the Hans Böckler Foundation, Christmas allowances aren’t for all employees.
Employees can only demand Christmas allowances if they are categorically mentioned in their work contract.
According to the findings the differences weren’t only based on location and gender but also on the sector. Employees at a bank, in the confectionary industry, the west German chemical industry and printing industry receive between 95% and 100% of their monthly income as a Christmas allowance while those in the insurance industry get 80%. In the East German industry, one gets 65% while the metal industry in the same region get 50%. Janitors and other workers in the building cleaning sector rarely if at all get Christmas allowances.