From the last list, this was the only missing info for after the Au Pair year. Well I’d like to discuss it first in regards to those coming from Kenya.
It was recently brought to my attention that some of the stipulations had changed on the application form in Nairobi and I got to check the embassy website to confirm these allegations. According to the German version of the list of requirements they list the following: English in Italics
► Reisepass des Antragsstellers, gültig bis mindestens 3 Monate nach vorgesehener Rückreise und 1 Kopie. In Kenia wohnhafte Nicht-Kenianer müssen über eine Rückkehrberechtigung im Reisepass oder über eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung verfügen. Diese muss ebenfalls nach vorgesehener Rückreise noch mindestens 3 Monate gültig sein. Der Pass muß mindestens 2 leere Seiten haben und darf nicht älter als 10 Jahre sein.
(Copie of passport valid for atleast 3months after return. Non Kenyans should show they’re allowed to travel back to Kenya or have a valid residence permit also valid for atleast 3 months after return. The passport should have atleast 2 empty pages)
► 2 Antragsformulare, jedes im Original ausgefüllt und unterschrieben
(2 original application forms filled and signed)
► Zwei biometrische Passfotos (3,5 cm x 4,5 cm), nicht älter als 3 Monate, heller Hintergrund.
(2 Biometric passport sized photos not older than 3months with a bright background)
► Nachweis über die Finanzierung des (angestrebten) Studiums und des Aufenthalts in Deutschland, jeweils im Original und in 2-facher Kopie.
(2Kopies and 2 Originals of Evidence of financing for the desired study and upkeep in Germany)
● Es muss nachgewiesen werden, dass dem Antragssteller für die gesamte Dauer seines Studienaufenthalts in Deutschland monatlich mindestens ein Betrag in Höhe von 638,– € zur Verfügung steht.
(It should be proven that the applicant will have access to atleast €638 per month during their stay in Germany)
► Der Antragssteller hat drei Möglichkeiten der Finanzierung: (The 3 financing possibilities are)
a) Bei Selbstfinanzierung (Self financing)
● Nachweis über ein Sperrkonto (im Original) bei einer deutschen Bank i.H.v. 7.908,- €
(Prove you have a fixed account with atleast €7908 in Germany)
b) Bei Fremdfinanzierung durch eine in Deutschland lebende Person (Sponsor): (Sponsor)
● Verpflichtungserklärung des Sponsors gegenüber der deutschen Ausländerbehörde, für die gesamte Dauer des Studienaufenthalts für alle Kosten aufzukommen, im Original und in Kopie.
(An original and copy of a Verpflichtungserklärung from the sponsor, if based in Germany they get this from the foreigners office to declare they will pay for the applicants upkeep during their stay in Germany)
c) Bei Finanzierung durch ein Stipendium: (Scholarship)
● Stipendienzusage, mit Angaben über Dauer und Höhe der monatlichen Leistung.
(Offer of the scholarship with details on the duration and amount offered per month)
►Nachweis über die Studiendauer (Prove of the duration of study)
►Zulassungsbescheid oder
► Einladung zur Feststellungsprüfung im Original oder beglaubigter Kopie oder
► Einladung zum Sprachtest im Original oder beglaubigter Kopie
(The original or certified copy of an invitation to a language test, or a Feststellungsprüfung or an admission letter)
► Krankenversicherungsnachweis für die Aufenthaltsdauer im Schengenraum, Mindestdeckung 30.000,– €, im Original und in Kopie (Ausnahme: Stipendiaten)
(Health insurance that covers atleast €30000, doesn’t apply to scholars)
So that is the list of requirements as stated in the German version while in the English one, they edited a couple of things:
► Passport of applicant and copy of the same, valid up to a minimum of 3 months after intended return journey. The passport must have at least two empty pages and cannot be older than 10 years.
► Nationals other than Kenyans must be able to show a valid residence permit and re-entry permit for Kenya
► Two biometric identical passport size photographs (3.5cm x 4.5 cm), no older than 3 months, bright background, one attached to application form and one loose
► Two LONG-TERM Visa application forms duly filled and signed
► Proof of studies already undertaken or school leaving certificate, originals and 2 copies of the same.
► Proof of previous academics studies / professional trainings, if applicable
► Original letter of admission to Language Course sent to the applicant
► proof of knowledge of the German language, if required
► Proof of financial arrangements to cover (intended) studies and duration in Germany, original and 2 copies of the same. It has to be proved, that the applicant shall have at his/her disposal at least an amount of no less than 638 Euros per month, for the entire duration of his/her studies in Germany.
► The applicant has three possible ways to finance his/her stay:
a) Self- financed stay:
● Proof of a blocked account held at a German bank (in original) amounting to 7.908,– €
b) Financing by a third party living in Germany (sponsor):
● formal obligation letter issued by the competent German authority, original and copy
c) Financing by scholarship:
● Confirmation of scholarship stating the duration and amount of monthly allowances
► Proof of medical insurance for the duration of stay with minimum cover of 30,000€., original and one copy
In the English version of the application form they include these 2 unclear statements that tend to discourage anyone applying for the visa from Nairobi from thinking of changing their visa into anything else by hinting at applicants having to return home after their language course and not having any possibility to do anything else eg study after their one year is over.
Language Course Visa – for those who only want to do a language course without having the intention to study at a German University directly afterwards
Please note:A Language Course Visa cannot be converted into a Student Visa in Germany. If you want to study at a German University right away, you have to apply for a student visa immediately.
Well this is quite a move considering most Kenyans when they get to the embassy will always prefer to take the english version of the form rather than the german one.
According to german law, and what you will find in most legal documents here the rule stands at:
Only the rules and regulations in their German form are legally binding.
So until they clearly state that studying after the language course is impossible in the german version, the rules shall remain the same ie you can come as a language student and later apply to study at a university in Germany.
As for the Au Pairs, the requirements are the same for you when applying for a language course, though the amount required in the account may vary depending on the city, as well as the mood of the person working on your papers (we all know if you find them in a good mood, your stuff is solved faster and less stressfully, so pray before you got to the Auslandsamt….I’m serious)
Another thing worth noting is that language students aren’t allowed to work during their stay in Germany as language students. Later as university students they can always work within the dictates of their visa.
Has anyone changed from language course to Uni/Ausbildung recently? Please drop me a line if you’re willing to share. Ofcourse it will be anonymous.