Several people wrote to me earlier this week asking about this story but even after searching for it, I couldn’t find it. Luckily, someone close to the family contacted me today with more information on the matter.
A ten year old German-Nigerian girl was attacked while playing in a playground in Silberhöhe in Halle. The boy who started the attack had planned the incident and had even brough along friends to help him out. The little girl was beaten by 6 to 7 boys, who later ran away.
Witnesses called in the ambulance and the girl was taken to hospital.
The girl has been in hospital since the incident on Thursday and was released yesterday. The mother enraged by the attack wanted to sue the attackers but the police allegedly informed her that the suspects were too young to be charged for anything. “The child and the mother went to press charges but [they were told] the suspects are too young to be charged”, the source informed Mkenya.
At the same time, a school in Leipzig, the Landsberg Gymnasium, has encountered a challenge with their Class 9 pupils who have taken to send Hitler jokes via Whatsapp, chant Hitler slogans and even make Hitler salutes and wearing a Hitler moustache.
A psychologist has been arranged to meet with the children, teachers and their parents next week to try and get to the bottom of the fascination with Nazism.
The state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has started carrying out background checks on would-be kindergarten employees after it was discovered several had been infiltrated by far-right females.
This all comes after a survey last year showed that children as young as 6 years old in Germany were worried about the increased number of foreigners in the country. (Read: What Matters to Children in Germany?)
Another Nigerian child was kicked out of school in Düsseldorf because parents were afraid the girl would infect their children with ebola, despite the fact that the child hadn’t been to Nigeria for years.