How to Write a German Cover/Motivation Letter (Anschreiben)

Cover letter

This is the main letter in your application documents because it gives the potential employer an insight into who you are and what you are capable of delivering. 

Unlike your usual english cover letters where you are allowed to be creative with your words,  the German cover letter is more direct and to the point.  A Cover letter should answer the following questions:

  • Does the applicant suit the position?
  • What are the applicants’ strengths and how are they (the strengths) relevant to this position/company?

So here are a few tips on how to do it right:


  • Find out the exact contact person and their title(s) before you start writing the letter and use it, “Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. XYZ” or “Sehr geehrte Frau Dr. ABC“. Avoid the general “Dear Sir/Madam” or “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren“.
  • When in doubt, please use “Dear Sir/Madam” or “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren“, don’t assume it has to be one. It’s more irritating reading a letter addressed to a “Sir”, when you’re a woman or vice versa.



  • Tailor the letter to the position you’re applying for.  Avoid having one letter that you send to all employers. Even when you have one letter, make it personal. Instead of “I’ll be an asset to your company“, change that everytime you send to a new company and write it as, “I’ll be an asset to Company XYZ“. Looks like you prepared and you know which company you’re applying to.
  • Include qualities you have that you think might be relevant for the position. Reading and rereading the job advert will help you pinpoint what qualities they are looking for.
  • Avoiding naming your qualities like you have a list to fill. Always support your quality with a bit of background e.g. “I enjoy working with children”
  • You can have your address either at the top of the page in a single line as shown or in the same format as the company address shown
  • Include the job reference number, especially if you found the advert on a separate site or newspaper.  You can leave it out if you are applying directly through the company website.
  • Avoid fancy fonts unless you work in the creative sector.

You might need to also read about writing a German CV


(your address can either be on a line at the top of the letter or as a paragraph)

Mkenya Ujerumani, Musterstrasse 20, 78495 Musterstadt.  Handy 01577776543 Email:

Frau Ypsilon,

Company XYZ,

Musterfelderstrasse 2,

0345 Musterstadt.

Musterstadt, den 11.05.2013

Bewerbung um die Position als Kokorikor (Kennziffer 987)


Sehr geehrte Frau Dr. Ypsilon,

short intro on why you are writing: Mit großem Interesse habe ich Ihre Stellenausschreibung in der Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung gelesen und bewerbe mich für “die Position als Kokorikor (Kennziffer 987)“.

Tell us about your educational background, only include information relevant to the position you’re applying to: These questions will help you write this paragraph:

Where did you go to school? What did you study (that is relevant to this position)? When did you complete or when do you plan to complete? For those in Uni, you can mention your Bachelor/Masters theses here.

Zurzeit befinde ich mich im …….. Semester des Studiengangs ….. mit Schwerpunkt …….. der Technischen Universität ……..


Why did you choose that course and how does it relate to the position? Why are you applying for this position? This is a good point to mention if you’ve used the company’s services or products before, but don’t overdo it.

Der Bereich ABC interessiert mich schon seit langer Zeit, da ich …

Wegen meines besonderen Interesses an ……. schrieb ich meine Diplomarbeit zum Thema „……….“.

Durch meine abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum ……. bin ich mit Ihren Produktgruppen auch in technischer Hinsicht gut vertraut.


Mention your qualities and your experiences and how they match the position you’re applying for:

What qualities do you have that are relevant to this position? (You speaking English, Kiswahili and your mother tongue is an asset that you should broadcast, of course depending on the position. For a social worker/nurse/airport attendant, it would be very relevant that they can speak many languages)

Den Einsatz in Ihren internationalen Niederlassungen empfinde ich als spannende Aufgabe. Hierfür bringe ich sehr gute Fremdsprachenkenntnisse in Englisch und Kisuaheli mit.

Die Teilnahme an verschiedenen Workshops und Seminaren stärkte mein besonderes Interesse an ……

„für die Stelle als … bringe ich bereits erste Erfahrungen in … durch … mit.


This paragraph is optional and depends on the job description.

Here you can mention when you’d like to start work, how much you would expect to be paid and in some instances whether or not you’re ready to travel.


Last paragraph:

This is in closing where you pen off. Avoid shy comments like, “I look forward to hearing from you” and instead go for something bolder like: “Ich freue mich auf Ihre Einladung zum persönlichen Gespräch.”


mit freundlichen Grüßen,

(Signature is optional)

Mkenya Ujerumani


City, den Date

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