New Law could see more than 300,000 Foreigners have their Qualifications Recognized in Germany

A new law that was introduced last year April, is currently being put in force in most States and it could see many foreigners have their qualifications recognized in Germany without having to retrain or undertake new courses. The law aimed mainly at teachers and engineers.
The new law is already in force in Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and in Saarland while Bayern and NRW are busy preparing their own versions that they’ll introduce later on. Rheinland-Pfalz, Sachsen-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein governments are not for the idea.

 “Accepting foreign credentials will not only help the foreigners in Germany but also the many companies that have positions but no employees to fill them”, Peter Clever one of the managers of Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände (BDA) said.

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