The exhibition dubbed, “In Frankfurter Gesellschaft – Seckbach innen und außen”, will be featuring different people and families that live in Seckbach, a town in Frankfurt.
The idea is to showcase pictures of people in the rooms that mean most to them. For some people Seckbach can be considered blick and dreary or even a ghetto. With this exhibition, the photographers took pictures of the people inside their homes to show the beautiful side of Seckbach. The exhibition is part of the „In Frankfurter Gesellschaft“ sponsored by the „Frankfurter Programm – Aktive Nachbarschaft“. The photographers behind this project are Anna Pekala, a polish, and Florian Albrecht-Schoeck, a German.
One of the families featured in the exhibition is the Kenyan-German family, the Häubleins. The 44year old Tony, his 27year old wife, Grace, their daughter Whitney and their son Sir William. Two of their pictures were used. The first picture was taken of the three of them while Grace was pregnant. In the second, the complete family with the addition of Sir William their youngest, at 3weeks old.
The exhibition will be launched with a Vernissage
on Friday, 21. March at 5pm (17.00 Uhr)
at the Baustellencafé,
Atzelbergplatz 9 – 11,
60389 Frankfurt am Main.
The exhibition will be on until 27th April. Entry is free.
Opening times:
Tuesdays 10.00 – 13.00 Uhr
Fridays 16.00 – 19.00 Uhr
Sundays 13.30 – 15.00 Uhr
Or by Appointment: 069 26 49 17 00