A recent study titled Berufe im Demografischen Wandel by the Geschäftsstelle der Initiative Neue Qualität der Arbeit (INQA) sponsored by the Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA) aimed to find out which professions are most affected by the German demographics. It’s well known that Germany has a higher population of over 65s compared to the under 35s. This mainly affects the number of people entering the job market after school vs those going into retirement.
The report found out that the worst affected professions were:
- Manufacturing Professions: Chemical Plant Workers and Operators of Metal Cutting Machines
- Engineering and MINT Professions: Electrical Engineers, Industrial Engineers, Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Physicists, Mathematicians and Physics Engineers
- Healthcare Professions: Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Midwives, Educators and Child care workers
- Business/Commercial Professions: Bankers; Book keepers.
Electrical Engineers have great chances in the German job market. If you were to search for Electrical Engineering jobs at Stepstones, you get more than 725 positions from some of the largest institutions in Germany from BMW, Deutsche Bahn and ThyssenKrupp. That has become the rule especially for Electrical Engineering because most of those working in that field right now are very old and there aren’t enough students graduating having Electrical Engineering. It take 98days on average for an Electrical Engineering position to be filled while it only takes 50 days to fill a book-keeping position.
Considering the report is quite comprehensive, I would suggest you look at the whole report and see the specifications of the specific professions. You can find the whole report here: Berufe im Demografischen Wandel