This year’s career fair was set to be our biggest and most successful and it did not disappoint.
To all our friends, sponsors and friends, namely
- African Women in Europe (AWE)
- Betty Njoroge
- Bundesinstitute für Berufsbildung (Bibb)
- Caroline Kawira Njeru – author of Coming Home
- Centrum für internationale Migration und Entwicklung (CIM)
- Charity Wairimu Ngugi Latz – Creativity Club Köln
- Chania Coffee Hamburg
- Home Care International Marburg
- Jambo Nairobi Kenya Event Organizers from Essen
- Kabongo African Accessories Shop in Düsseldorf
- Kedovo e.V. Hamburg
- Kenyan Embassy Berlin- Consular Section
- Maisha e.V. Frankfurt
- Pete Nguah
- Shali Shambi
- Universität Duisburg-Essen
without you there wouldn’t have been an event. Thank you for your continued support of the Mkenya Ujerumani Initiative.
It was a great event with many getting a chance to learn something new, establish new contacts and get inspired.
To all the speakers who shared their stories, THANK YOU for allowing us to invade your privacy by sharing your stories. Thank you for sharing stories of your struggles and triumphs, your stories are inspirational. You inspired us to keep moving regardless of what we might be going through.
To all the attendees, thank you for being great participants and sharing your knowledge. You were great company to be with, you made the event a HUGE success.
Some of the topics will turn into posts like this one: Starting a Company as a Non-EU foreigner in Germany, so look out for those posts.