Remember Nelly’s story? The Kenyan lady that was pushed onto the tracks of a U-Bahn for her loud conversation on the phone.
Well the court ruling is out and as predicted, the guy and his wife walked away scot free with just a simple slap on the arm.
During the court process, protesters called for the guy to be charged with attempted murder but that wasn’t to be. The guy argued that he only wanted to poke Nelly out of his way and not to shove her on the tracks. He insisted he wasn’t a racist as he has been married several times already and all of his wives were foreigners, including the current girlfriend.
His current girlfriend who was charged with failure to offer help, had her charges dropped. Her excuse was that when her boyfriend ran away, Nelly’s friend held on to her thus she couldn’t be of any help. This was proven by the CCTV footing they had.
Eventually, the man walked free, only getting probation for a year.
(Read about her:
Kenyan woman pushed on subway tracks for loud cell conversation
An interview with Nelly, the Kenyan pushed on U-Bahn tracks
Man who pushed Kenyan onto the UBahn walks away scot free
Court process begins for the Guy that pushed Nelly on the Rail tracks in Vienna)