25-35year old Hartz IV’s might have to get a new Ausbildung

Bundesagentur für Arbeit

More than 100,000 Hartz IVs in Germany might all be starting Ausbildungen very soon. The Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BfA), plans to get the Hartz IVs aged between 25 to 35 back into the job market. Some of them who already have qualifications but still can’t get jobs will be encouraged to get a different Ausbildung that is more marketable. While those that never completed their studies will be encouraged to go back to school and at least get some form of qualification.

The BfA aims to get at least 25,000 of these people start an Ausbildung annually. According to the Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB), more than 17% of the young people aged between 25-35, have no qualifications, didn’t complete school and are currently not attending any formal training. The DGB encourages the government to invest in Ausbildungen and allow older Hartz IVs to apply and attend school. DGB also suggests that the Hartz IV have their Ausbildungen financed and they get the extra money in addition to their Arbeitslosengeld II.

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