Mkenya Radio Jan 2014: Insurance Policies and Choosing Providers


We started the new year on a high note with our first show of the year on “Insurance Policies and Choosing Providers”.

The plan was to discuss insurances plus financial planning and the real estate market in Germany but time ran out and had to subdivide the show.

We had the first segment where we discussed the Insurance policies, what they offer, how to choose the best provide plus some of the must have policies.

Insurance Policies and Choosing Providers: Part 1

Insurance Policies and Choosing Providers: Part 2

Some of the questions asked:


What different insurances are there? Risk insurances and personal insurances

  • Liability Insurance – Haftpflicht
  • Household-/ Content Insurance – Hausrat
  • Car Insurance – Kfz
  • Homeowners Insurance – Wohngebäude
  • Disability insurance
  1. Why should you have one?
  2. What does it cover?
  3. How do you pick one?

Must have insurances for

  • singles,
  • couple with(out) kids,
  • old person,
  • student below 25 and above 25
  • people running Verein
  • entrepreneurs e.g. shop owners
  1. Health insurance waiver for those who hadn’t paid, is it possible to still get the waiver?
  2. Is there an insurance for those who would want to be buried back home?


  1. How is your pension affected by you remaining in Germany or returning back home;
  2. Should one get public or private pension?
  3. Altersarmut – How do you plan to make sure that you can sustain your living standards in old age?

The second segment plans to tackle Financial planning and the real estate market in Germany. Looking forward to catching you guys at the next show on 7th Feb 2014, from 8:15pm (20:15Uhr).

In case you have any questions or enquiries about this topic, feel free to add it below in the comments section or you could inbox me on FB: or send it as an email to me at:

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3 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Important Differences Between Home And Dwelling Fire Insurance Contractsmix Use Properties Are Dis | Solution Insurance
  2. Mkenya Radio Feb 2014: Real Estate Market, Financial Planning and Becoming an Insurance and Investment Expert in Germany | Mkenya Ujerumani
  3. Insurances for Students | Mkenya Ujerumani

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