Corona Soforthilfe: What Help is Available and Where to Apply for it

Corona Soforthilfe

The German government last week announced and approved a 50 Billion Euro lump sum support for different groups affected by the lock down caused by the Corona Virus.

Here’s a collection of the different websites/institutions/organisations where you can apply for the different types of support given.


For Families

The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) has introduced the Emergency Child Allowance (Notfall-Kinderzuschlag or NotfallKiz).

Previously parents had to present their income from the last 6months as evidence of low income to get the child allowance, however with the emergency child allowance, parents will only need to present a payslip from the last month. This exception will apply until 30th September 2020.

For more information on where to apply or who to contact for further info, check

More info on the Child Allowance can be found here and

For Businesses and Freelancers

For micro, small and medium Enterprises as well as freelancers, the state is offering financial support to ensure the running costs incurred during the lock down are covered. 

Most Bundesländer have a central organisation handling the applications while in some instances the applications are to be carried out through the IHKs. If unsure, check the websites below or call your local IHK for confirmation.

Applications can only be made online and most Bundesländer offer a hotline for guidance. 

Some Bundesländer have still not started accepting applications yet, please check the website and in case of questions get in touch with them directly.

Here’s where to find info on where to apply in the different Bundesländer:

For Organizations and Vereine Supporting Individuals

If you run an organisation or a Verein to help feed the less fortunate or offer support for with mobility challenges, Aktion Mensch is offering support. 

Ein Absperrband und eine Hand, die es zerschneiden will. Text: #Hilfe kennt keinen Shutdown. 20. Mio. Euro Sofort-Hilfe

For Women

Although not part of the financial help mentioned above. In support of women, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) has promised to maintain support hotlines e.g. for expectant mothers, parents and women in domestically violent situations, during the lock down.

These hotlines will continue to be staffed throughout this period.

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