As is the norm, Ausbildungen have to be regularly updated, reviewed and modernised to fit the current job market. 2016 brings along with it some updated Ausbildungen.
Below are some Ausbildungen that will have new content come August when the new Azubis join the Berufschule.
Anlagenmechaniker/in für Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik
Anlagemechaniker works with pipes, radiators, solar panels and air conditioning systems.
With new energy rules within the EU and new technologies within this sector, the update of this course will ensure those trained in this field learn about the latest laws and technologies. (READ More: Anlagenmechaniker/in)
This profession offers variety from dealing with people to engineering. It requires social skills to handle customers as well as knowledge in automobile mechanics.
With many companies introducing virtual reality to unveil and sell their cars, the new Azubis will need to be taught how to incorporate this new technologies into their profession.
Dachdecker build roofs and ensure buildings are water and weatherproof. Once again with the new EU energy rules, it’s imperative for the new Azubis to find solutions within their sector to fit the new laws.
Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik
These are the people in-charge of the technical side of events from building and setting up the projectors, lights, sound systems etc.
Fish farming had new laws introduced regulating how fish is captured, prepared and brought to the market. This calls then to the change of what is taught in this Ausbildung as well.
This Ausbildung prepares one to engrave items. (Read More: Graveur)
The Hörgeräteakustiker or audiologist knows the functions and repairs electro-acoustic hearing devices.
Kaufmann/Kauffrau im Einzelhandel
People is sales will also have a new curriculum this year.
Professional sales will also be modernised this year.