Help Find Missing Kenyan-German Teen

Wilhelm Höper Dieter
An earlier image of Wilhelm Dieter during his earlier years with Christine in Mombasa

A Kenyan woman is seeking for your help to find her missing daughter who was taken away by her German father.

Christine Namalwa Baraza, is looking for her daughter, Angelika Konstantina Dieter, who was born in 2000 in Eldoret Kenya. It is believed Angelika lives with her father, Wilhelm Höper Dieter, though their location remains unknown.

Unable to provide for the child, the court in Mombasa granted Christine and Wilhelm joint custody of their daughter. Angelika was however to live with her father in Mtwapa.

Nine months after Angelika’s birth, Wilhelm and Angelika “disappeared” and Christine haven’t seen either of them since.

Friends who knew Wilhelm have mentioned to have seen Wilhelm in Ukunda. Some however claimed that Wilhelm had moved to Spain with Angelika and later married another Kenyan lady, who later died while in Spain.

A google search linked Wilhelm’s name to a dentist clinic in Bodenwerder in Northern Germany. On calling the clinic, we found out that the clinic belongs to another doctor, who however claimed to have been conned by Wilhelm. We were given the contact details to Wilhelm’s brother, who accused Wilhelm of having conned him as well.

Those with information on Wilhelm or Angelika or their whereabouts may share them with:

Catherine at +49 151 7040 6845


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