A Kenyan teenager was last week killed in an accident in Böblingen.
According to the police report, the 19 year old Kenyan was riding his bike without paying any attention to the traffic. The report goes further to say, the young man had no helmet on and was wearing headphones at the time of the collision.
The young man was riding his bike along the Humboldtstraße towards Zeppelinstraße on Saturday, August 22nd at around 7:20pm. At the junction turning into Zeppelinstraße, the cyclist rode into the street without confirming the traffic situation and he collided with an oncoming VW Golf.

The Kenyan suffered severe head injuries and died at the scene despite attempts from the Ambulance-personnel to resuscitate him. The 51 year old VW driver was unhurt. The resulting damage amounts to about 2,100 euros.
The traffic accident was recorded by the Traffic Police Department in Ludwigsburg.
Another Kenyan also died in Böblingen on Saturday in an accident. Born in September 1995, this victim was 19years old and would have turned 20 next month. Mkenya Ujerumani could however not reach the family to confirm if the two incidents were related.