After months of her boyfriend threatening to kill her, last weekend a Kenyan lady found herself experiencing a near death experience in the hands of her boyfriend and father to her child.
Friday night, neighbours were drawn to couple’s home by loud commotion with screams for help coming from the home. When they got there, the small boy opened the door only for them to find Phyllis on the floor bleeding profusely as the Godfrey continued to kick her to the ground.
The police were called in, but this wasn’t the first time they had been called to this house over a fight. Back in February, the police had been called in to help Phyllis after an intoxicated Godfrey decided to bite her breast while breast feeding their son, who recently turned a year old.
After a few days, Godfrey came over and apologised for misbehaving and requested Phyllis to drop the charges made against him. Figuring out that he was remorseful and would never repeat, Phyllis went down to the police station and requested to have the charged against Godfrey dropped. The lady working at the Domestic Violence office at the police station on hearing Phyllis’ request called her aside and requested her not to drop the charges. “Even if you decide to go back to him, don’t drop the charges. Let him pay the fine and be punished to know what he did was wrong. From my experience working at this desk, 80% of the women that drop charges made against their violent partners come back in less than 6months after an even worse attack and in the worst cases, end up dead”.

Having forgiven and decided to move on for the sake of their child, Phyllis dropped the charges. Four months later, Phyllis was nearly killed by her boyfriend, Godfrey.
On that fateful day, Phyllis had to attend one of her trainings, the agreement was Godfrey be left with the children (she has 3 children), and she goes to work. On arrival to where she was to conduct her training, she called home, only for her 12 year old to announce that Godfrey had taken the youngest boy and gone for a walk. Assuming it was a normal walk, because the child hadn’t been taken out the whole day, she didn’t worry much. Two hours later after her event, she called home again, Godfrey and the child had still not returned. Godfrey wouldn’t pick his phone.
At around 8, she got in touch with him and requested he bring the child home. “Hutaniambia nitakachofanya na mtoto. Huyu mtoto ni wangu pia, naweza mua nikipenda“, Godfrey retorted at the request.
Panicked, Phyllis decided to threaten to call the police if he didn’t bring the child home within half an hour. “Unataka kuita polisi ndio nirudishwe Afrika? Nitakuua”
An hour later, shortly before 10pm, he stood at the door holding the baby to his chest. When Phyllis opened the door, he got hold of her neck and tried to strangle her. Her oldest son, came out from the bedroom, was shouting at Godfrey, “Lass meine Mama in Ruhe!!“.
Phyllis fell to the ground and Godfrey dropped the infant to the ground and grabbed the 12 year old. Phyllis pulled on Godfrey’s dreadlocks to get him to let go of the boy. “Nyinyi wakenya mnajifanya werevu, wacha nitakuonyesha kama mwenzangu alivyomfanya Mkenya mwenzako Cologne.” He turned and hit his head against hers (kumpiga heady). Bleeding profusely, Phyllis fell to the ground. That’s around the time came to the house and the oldest son opened the door to let them in. During the confrontation, Godfrey kept referring to Mwajuma’s death, claiming he would do the same thing to Phyllis. Mwajuma was a Kenyan lady that was stabbed to death by her Tanzanian boyfriend. (Read: Kenyan Stabbed to death by Tanzanian (Ex)Boyfriend in Cologne)

Godfrey was escorted from the home by the police and a restraining order put in place so that he doesn’t contact nor visit Phyllis. Phyllis was taken to hospital and was admitted for a day. All the children are doing well.
Phyllis Wangui Lichtenwalter, a German with Kenyan roots is known to many of us as the owner of “Exotic Au Pair” or a Sales Partner at LR Health & Beauty Systems. She met Godfrey Mhina aka Masoud Osmani, a Tanzanian national in 2012 but it was only in 2013 when they got into a relationship.
The relationship was normal until 2013, after the birth of their first child together. On going to the Stadesamt to have the child registered, Godfrey produced documents with different names and different information as his own. Phyllis called him aside and requested they go have him registered under his real names, a suggestion he wasn’t going to take in. From then on, began the constant accusations that Phyllis wanted to have him sent back home and subsequently, the threats that if she did, he would make sure he didn’t leave her alive when he was returned.
On calling Godfrey’s brother in Tanzania to tell him what had happened, “Kimbia mbali naye, huyu atakuja kukua“, was all the advice his brother could give.
Godfrey came to Germany in February 2009, only 3 weeks after the death of his wife in Tanzania. Phyllis suspects that he might have been responsible for the death.
Since the incident on Friday last week, Godfrey’s friends have been calling Phyllis and making threats to have her killed if she doesn’t drop the charges against “their friend”.
Phyllis’ message to those that might find themselves in such a situation, “Domestic violence shouldn’t happen. Anyone in such a situation should report it and have the partner charged regardless of whether they are European or African. Domestic violence is wrong.”
Here are help lines and emergency lines.
Domestic Violence Helpline for Women: 0800 0116016
Sexual Abuse against Children Helpline: 0800-2255530
„Nummer gegen Kummer“: 0800-1110550
Seelsorge (Someone to talk to, also offered in English): 0800/1110111 or 0800/1110222
Muslim Seelsorge: 030 44 35 09 821
Helpline for people with a drinking problem (Also in English): 01803 AAHELP or 01803 224 357
Find a Frauenhaus in your area: Frauenhauskoordinierung.de
Jugendämter in Germany: Jugendämter.com
Alcoholic Anonymous meeting in your area: AA Meetings