The Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) this month launched a new program under the motto: “Stark im Beruf – Mütter mit Migrationshintergrund steigen ein”.
The programs aims at increasing opportunities for migrant mothers in Germany who would like to get back to work or who would like to start a career in Germany. According to a study run, only 53% of migrant mothers get to go back to work, unlike 73% of German mothers. This despite the fact that a majority of migrant mothers in Germany would like to start or get back to their career after having children.
“About a million mothers with a migration background do not engage in gainful employment. This is not because that they lack qualifications. This enormous potential that lies dormant in this target group has not been recognized despite the discussion on the shortage of skills. It is time to change this state and that is where this program comes in,” Manuela Schwesig, Minister of Family stated at the launch of the program.
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ESF Förderrichtlinie