We wrote about her for her innovative idea at the Christmas market in Schneeberg, where she was selling crocodile stew. However, she became a victim of a racial attack shortly before the Christmas market closed.
On the night of 21st December, the 39-year-old Kenyan, Mary Hänel, who lives in the district of Zwickau, was allegedly hit in the face and racial slurs made against her in a disco in Glauchau.
It’s alleged the perpetrator was under the influence of alcohol during the attack. He is identified as Patrick Gentsch, a well known NPD politician in Zwickau and holds a seat on the city council and county council in Zwickau.
The police are now investigating the 36 year old, Patrick Gentsch, on suspicion of assault and insult.
An eyewitness, told the Freie Presse: “Gentsch jostled the lady and called her “Nigger bitch” and “nigger”. He then her pushed to the ground. The dark-skinned woman tried to defend herself”. Luckily, the victim suffered no visible injuries.
A total of four witnesses confirmed the occurrence, as told by the woman, to the police. Patrick Gentsch, however, denied the allegations but could not be reached for comment.
According to the police spokeswoman, Anett Helfer, “As it stands, it is Gentsch’s word against Hänel’s. We’ll meet again with the accused and after that, the case will go to the prosecutor.”
After the incident, Gentsch was allowed to continue having a great time. The disco owner made no serious attempt to throw him out.
It is not the first time officials are investigating the NPD politician. In August, Gentsch threatened to attack an employee of a youth center in Glauchau forcing the city to provide police security for the young man. In 2010, the prosector ordered a “Strafbefehl” against Gentsch after he pushed a man against a beer tent.