Evaline Nguthu and Timothy Musyoka, top chefs from Mombasa are currently at the Sunderland Hotel in Sundern. The two who work for the Severin Sea Lodges in Mombasa are here on an exchange program run by the company.
The first to take part in the exchange was Joseph Ndunda, a Manager from the same hotel in Mombasa, who was here last year. (Read: German Ausbildung and Exchange Program at the Kenyan Coast)
The two who are here for 10 months will not only learn about German cuisine and introduce Kenyan cuisine to the menu at the hotel, but also learn about the culture, travel and get to know the area as well as help solve the skill shortage in that village during their stay. As part of their training, the two have been to the Christmas market in Arnsberg, the ice rink in Soest where they got to skate on ice for the first time and to the Sunderaner Church. They will also get to visit German families in their homes to get a first hand view of German family life.
To make their life as easy and comfortable as possible during their stay in Sunder, a special employee has been assigned to be their contact person for all their questions.
Joseph was very instrumental in choosing these two to come to Germany and has helped with pinpointing what would be important for them to learn during their stay here.
It has been hard for both to be so far away from their families during the festive season, but thanx to Skype and Whatsapp, both felt like they hadn’t missed out on much.
The Sunderland Hotel and its sister hotel, Severin Sea Lodges, plan to expand this program to also include German trainees travelling to Kenya. The next Kenyan exchange employees are already planned to arrive in 2015 summer.