With the increase in cases of suicide among diasporans, it helps when we have more people coming out to speak about their experiences and how they overcame their struggle.
We shared the story of Joyce who came to study in Germany only to be drugged and forced to join prostitution.
In this story we have Wambui Njuguna, a Kenyan living in California. She speaks on how she struggled with suicidal thoughts and finally overcoming it to write a book and a motivation to others.
From this story, a few things stand out:
- You need to talk to someone when you feel like you are getting overwhelmed. Have someone you can trust, it doesn’t have to be a Kenyan, but find someone you can talk to without inhibition. If you don’t trust anyone, call the Seelsorge Hotline: 0800/111 0 111 or 0800/111 0 222 its a toll free number. The service is offered in English as well.
- As a society/community, we need to stop judging people and be open to help out. Let’s not discriminate or stigmatise groups of people for whatever the case. We’re all human beings.
- Sometimes diasporans are struggling with issues that are “normal” that don’t necessarily have to do with being a diaspora e.g. divorce, a child’s death, loss of a job. Not everyone is trying to show they “made it” abroad, sometimes it’s just basic issues, same issues people in Kenya struggle with, but do better because they have a thicker social buffer. (Though it’s also not a guarantee because even in Kenya cases of suicide have also increased.)