The former ambassador headed home recently with his family and in preparation for the arrival of the new one, there will be major repairs and gardening works being undertaken at the ambassadorial residence in Berlin.
The embassy has called out for quotations from companies that would be interested in undertaking these tasks. Below are the descriptions:
Repair Works
The Kenya Embassy Berlin hereby invites quotations for the repair work below:
Repairing Main Entrance Pillars:
1. Fixing of new corner protection bars;
2. Plastering, removing and fixing of the video system;
3. Painting of the pillars.
Interested parties are requested to send their quotations to the Embassy by latest 27th November, 2014.
The Kenya Embassy is requesting for quotations for gardening services at the Ambassador’s residence from 1st January to 31st December 2015. The services will include: cutting of grass, trimming of hedges, removal of weeds and fallen leaves, maintenance of flowers and cutting of trees whenever the need arises.
Your quotations should reach the Embassy not later than 30th November, 2014.
The quotations should be sent to the below address
The address to be used:
The Ambassador
Kenya Embassy
Markgrafenstr. 63
10969 BERLIN