In most German cities, the handing over of the naturalisation certificates is an occassion to be celebrated and usually graced by the mayor of the city to welcome the newly naturalised Germans. Last month saw several Kenyans celebrate their new nationalities in their respective cities.
In Fulda, the celebrations only take part four times a year. The number of foreigners choosing to call Germany home, or “Vaterland” has increased incredibly in the last couple of years. In Essen, 1321 people were naturalized in 2013, 14% more than the number naturalised in 2012. In the Fulda kreis, 252 people were naturalized in 2013 while more than 7,500 were naturalized from the city of Fulda and neighbouring towns. Majoriy of those naturalised to be Germans, were also found to be young with 80% of them being aged below 40years.
The naturalised persons promised to respect the Constitution and the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and refrain from doing anything that was against those laws.

Among the Kenyans naturalised in this first session of the year were Jacqueline Hellmann of Essen and Jane Krenzer of Fulda. Jacqueline is a mother of three, and she celebrated her naturalisation as it allowed her to be “part of” the family. She had been the odd one out in her family with her husband and children all being German, now she belonged in the group as well. The 34-year old Jacqueline has been living in Katernberg for the past ten years. Although Jacqueline celebrated being naturalised, she added that she knew her skin colour would always give her away.
Jane Krenzer from Fulda was also part of those naturalised. The geriatric nurse has been living in Germany for the past 7years. “I’m happy to be here”, Jane shared at the ceremony. She believes Germany is a stable country and she enjoys her career.