The German autobahn is world renowned for its lack of speed limit (for the most part). Many people from around the world who dream of “flying on land” spend lots of money to drive a German car on the Autobahn, even if they only do it once in their lifetime. Well, not these Africans, they were running on the Autobahn. And no, there was no marathon.
The federal police recently spotted a bus on the A8 in Bad Aibling coming from Italy and requested the bus to follow the police car to the next parking lot. The bus followed, but 500m before they got to the exit, it stopped and five Africans ran out. The Italian driver pretended, he didn’t know what the police were talking about saying he had driven from Italy alone and there was no possible way that people had alighted from his bus. He was arrested and taken to the regional police station.
The federal police together with the regional police from Oberbayern Süd went out in search of the Africans. The police used a dog and a thermal imagining device to find the people on the Autobahn. It took hours before the police could actually find all of the people. The five were aged between 16 and 35.
According to the captured, the Italian driver had demanded they get out of his bus to prevent him from getting into trouble as they all didn’t have valid travelling documents. They also claimed they had paid between €400 and €700 per person for the trip. The five were delivered to the refugee camp in Munich while the driver was arrested and taken to court.
The five captured claimed to come from Eritrea.