EPZs (Export Processing Zones Authorities) are designed to further integrate Kenya into the global supply chain and attract export-oriented investments in the zones, thus achieving its economic objectives of job creation, diversification and expansion of exports, increase in productive investments, technology transfer and creation of backward linkages between the zones and the domestic economy.
The program has contributed significantly to achieving these objectives with over 40 zones in place, close to 40,000 workers employed and contribution of 10.7 % of national exports. Over 70% of EPZ output is exported to the USA under AGOA.
EPZs continue to provide investors with a predictable, attractive and efficient modus operandi for tackling regional and global markets for goods and services. Attractive tax incentives, a facilitating operating environment, good physical infrastructure and day-to-day support by EPZA staff have all resulted in over 80 firms from all over the world deciding to make the Kenya EPZs their home. Many of these have made additional investments and expanded their operations, as a manifestation of their initial success.