Why do Foreign Students choose Germany and Would they Recommend it to Others?

Recommend Germany?


As a foreigner living in Germany, would you recommend others to come and study here? Out of those surveyed 6% of the total wouldn’t recommend Germany at all while 26% would. Worth noting is also that those from Developing countries (20%) were not for the idea as much as those from the developed world (34%) were to recommend Germany as the study destination of choice.


Germany - Dream Destination

Seems Germany is more a destination for postgraduate studies (48%) than for undergraduate studies (45%).

If you ever wondered why people choose Germany, look no further here’s what the student said were their reasons.


Reasons for foreigners to study in Germany


Some of the reasons include:

  • Good study conditions
  • Academic freedom
  • Improve knowledge of German
  • Experience other learning and teaching methods
  • Achieve technical know-how in a specific field
  • Gain experience in research
  • Wider choice
  • Achieve foreign qualifications
  • There was no other choice

Reasons for studying in Germany


Some of the thought that lead to students choosing Germany as their destination include:

To experience a different culture

  • No tuition fees
  • To leave my home country
  • You can finance your studies with jobs
  • Improve job chances with a German degree
  • German Universities have a good reputation
  • Germany is high-tech
  • My family/home country has very close ties to Germany
  • Friends/Family studied in Germany
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