Programme Description
Students from abroad studying for a teaching qualification in the natural sciences in the main study stage or Master‘s course may apply for the Kurt Hansen scholarship from the Bayer Foundation. Candidates are not only required to have good to very good grades in the school leaving certificate giving right of entry to higher education and very successful completion of an intermediate examination or an excellent Bachelor‘s degree, but also immaterial aspects. This includes personal commitment – socially, politically or culturally, and be prepared to work hard.
Target Group
Those studying for a teaching qualification in natural sciences in the main study stage or Master‘s course
Academic Requirements
Main study stage or Master‘s course
Number of Scholarships
depends on the quality of the submitted applications
Application Requirements
Applicants should have good to very good grades in the school leaving certificate giving right of entry to higher education, as well as be able to provide evidence of very successful completion of an intermediate examination, or an excellent Bachelor‘s degree. All applicants are furthermore expected to be broad-minded, be prepared to work hard and show personal commitment – socially, politically or culturally.
Application Papers
The documents to be submitted for application are published on the programme website.