In Germany, the first one or two letters on a number plate are determined by the city or county the car is registered in while the next 2 or 3 letters and numbers are chosen by the car owner or whoever registers the car.
A new move by Bochum might see the end of Nazis using their number plates to hail Hitler. Bochum has officially forbidden the use of AH (Adolf Hitler) and HH (Heil Hitler). All cars registered from 2012 will not be allowed to have these number plates, those with old number plates that contain this abbreviations and would like to transfer to new cars will not be allowed to do so.
While the following are forbidden in the whole federation due to their implications of the “dark times” in German history.
HJ – Hitler-Jugend
KZ – Konzentrationslager
NS – Nationalsozialismus
SS – Schutzstaffel der NSDAP
SA – Sturmabteilung