Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) has developed a new App that translates the lectures in real time into English. The students at the University will be required to download the app onto their PCs or cell phones, choose the lecture they are attending on the app and the app takes notes of the lecture and translates the said notes into English. The app will also translate the lecture script and also allow the user to access notes taken before in the same class, that is, it helps you “attend” previous lectures virtually by giving you access to the lecture notes taken earlier.
Apparently KIT has been working on this for the past 20yrs and are very proud that it has come to fruition. They hope to offer the app in many more languages in future. The app is not only aimed at the foreign students at the KIT (who account for more than 16% of the student population) but also for the students with hearing disabilities.
Read more here.