In Hessen, the system is back to Abi after 13 years
In Bayern students are allowed to undertake an extra year in the Mittelstufe.
In Sachsen-Anhalt, they’ve introduced 13 Gemeinschaftschulen.
6 States (Bayern, Saxony, Lower Saxony, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) plan to have the same exam in English, German and Math for their Abi candidates in 2013/14.
All States will have the same exams for Abi candidates in 2016/17.
Baden-Württemberg is introducing an extra 87 Gemeinschaftschulen to make it 129.
Berlin has introduced Gemeinschaftschulen for the beginners this year.
Islam lessons will be introduced in 440 schools for Class one students in Hessen as an alternative to catholic or evangelical classes. The lessons will be offered by muslim teachers who already work at the school but who’ve undertaken extra training.
In NRW the Islam classes have been there for the past year but only in the Grundschule. This year, the lessons will also be introduced in the other schools.
In lower Saxony, Islam classes will also be introduced as a regular subject.
In Lower Saxony, they also allowed the disabled and the non-disable pupils to learn together in the same schools, a project dubbed “inclusion”.
In Rhineland Palatine, only 24 pupils will be allowed per class in classes 1, 2 and 3 from 2014/15.
In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern grading of a child’s social interactions and work ethic will be reintroduced.