I had written a post on bad shoes in Germany but somehow lost it, but in summary, it was about how shoes around here are ugly. The shoes are great quality but are damn ugly. The colours are off, you’ll usually find “depressed” colours that tend to match with nothing. Black shoes are ok and you need a couple of pairs for those nothingelse goes days but having only black shoes are boring. Getting grey shoes, isn’t an improvement.
We have different tastes and I respect that but I wonder why the shoes don’t respect that. I love colour, the brighter the better. My favourite colour is red but those shoes at Karstadt look like they were rained on. The other option is to get them from the Turks’ shops that usually get them from China or Turkey; the shoes there are cute lots of colour and cheap but you can only wear them once, after that you need to get a new pair. If you get heels, you’re in trouble cause they just might give up on you in the middle of the street. So you end up having to choose between quality and style. Not a good decision you should be forced to make. But the wierd thing is, they have sneakers in all colours….#smh.
Anyway, this is neither here nor there. The point of this post was to talk about my adventure yesterday at Primark. This might end up sounding like an ad but, meeeehhhn. There is truly hope of finding outfits in great colours. They used to have a small store in Gelsenkirchen but I never got around to going there especially when I was told they were selling stuff in size zero (my fellow african sisters know how much a problem that can be, trying to fit into those small sizes). Some time last year, they (Primark) decided to open a bigger store in Essen. For those that don’t know Primark is a british Irish company (excuse my political incorrectness; I thought they were all one happy united kingdom, no pun intendend ).
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Yesterday, I finally got the time to visit the place. I was so sceptical cause last week, I went on a shopping spree in the usual shops here and I only bought ice-cream….imagine after all that walking. The primark in Essen has 6 floors, with one floor for men’s wear and another for kids and stuff for the home….just imagine 4floors of pure bliss for women. It was amazing, I haven’t seen that much colour in a loooooong time. And their prices are out of this world, they are cheaper than C&A and Orsay on most stuff, while maintaining great quality. I’m not big on shopping (cause of time and the drag of seeing bad colours) so what I buy has to be of great quality and not a one wear outfit. The jewellery is great, got soo many pieces for a great price. I just might do a haul post, for those that may be interested. What I didn’t like was the shoe collection, they shoes are bright coloured and great designs but almost all of them have more than 8inch heels??? Really?? But atleast there are better than those in the pic above.
For the shoes, though, I think I’ll stick to buying them from TKMaxx (sister to the American TJMaxx) also a british shop; their prices aren’t great but you can always find colourful shoes there that you don’t find anywhere else. The colourful pics are from Primark, my new favourite store, I don’t like Essen but because of Primark….. I don’t know why I wrote this, if you got here, hope you found out what the point was….lol….cause I didn’t