The family and friends of the late Juma Tindo (aka Dj. Tindo of the Mikocheni Crew) invite you to bid farewell to the deceased.
The wake will be held today:
Date: 7th June 2014
Time: 6pm (18Uhr)
Venue: Westpark Munich
The burial service will be on
Date: Wednesday the 11th of June,
Time: 9:00 am (9Uhr)
Venue: Westfriedhof
Baldurstraße 28,
80637 München
After the burial, there will be a thanks giving ceremony at Karim Mzenga’s home at Gotteszellerstr 5, 81673 München.
Juma’s daughter arrived in Munich on Wednesday, for the burial ceremony. For those who are willing to support the family at this trying time, you may send you contributions to Juma’s account which is now under his daughter.
Account Owner: Nuru Tindo
Account number: 0009727066
BLZ: 70250150